This Lingerie Brand Is Redefining The Word “Nude”
One pretty bra at a time.
When you think of the color “nude,” what do you think of? Does it look something like this?
The trouble is, all of these examples of “nude” are based on a Caucasian skin tone. This is what you get when you search for “nude”-colored clothing.
Notice the dark-skinned woman wearing, uh, NUDE clothes.
That’s why the lingerie brand Nubian Skin decided to create a line of “nude” lingerie and hosiery for women of color.
Nubian Skin’s blog describes the struggle many women of color go through trying to find a nude garment to wear under a sheer blouse. “My nude isn’t the nude I see in shops,” wrote the company’s founder (who declined to be named) on their blog.
“Despite the reality that women of color have the same needs as all women when it comes to lingerie and hosiery (and spend the same of their hard-earned money), the industry simply doesn’t cater to us,” she continued.
“So, I thought, it’s time to rethink the definition of nude.”
Nubian Skin’s founder said she believes there are tons of parallels in the makeup industry.
“It took Eunice W. Johnson to create Fashion Fair Cosmetics in 1973 for black women to really have an adequate choice in finding makeup colors to suit them. In the 1990s and 2000s, mainstream brands began to realize the value of providing to women of color, and despite the billions we spend on make up each year, there are still brands that have chosen not to provide an offering for us.”